
Who We Are

The Whenuapai Ratepayers & Residents (R&R) Association, has, since inception, been actively involved in caring for our local community, its village hall built in 1955 and the surrounding Whenuapai area  

We undertake community action and activities that bring the people in our community together, and to ensure the wellbeing and healthy environment of the Whenuapai community.

We provide a forum within which members can identify, discuss and deal with local issues and concerns.

As an association which supports the needs and interests of the Whenuapai community, we:

  • Are run by a volunteer committee made up of 9 Residents.
  • Own and manage the Whenuapai Village Hall at 41 Waimarie Road, Whenuapai Village. This includes the appointment and supervision of the Hall Custodian position. (You can make bookings by contacting  bookings@whenuapai.org.nz)
  • Own and manage the Whenuapai Village website whenuapaivillage.co.nz
  • Manage the ‘Whenuapai’ Facebook page .
  • Represent the views of our members in matters affecting Whenuapai.
  • Provide a forum for discussion on local issues.
  • Work with local clubs, businesses and groups to gain sponsorship and assistance where required.
  • Work with Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, and other organisations in regards to local restoration, environment and planning matters.
  • Make non-partisan submissions to local bodies on legislation that affects Whenuapai (e.g. the Upper Harbour Local Board – UHLB).
  • Maintain links with other groups and relevant organisations in our region to ensure the best outcomes for Whenuapai.

Why Join?

If you are passionate about Whenuapai and want to make sure you are represented on local issues, you should join our Ratepayers and Residents Association.  This will mean that you will:

  • Get regular updates on what is happening.
  • Be heard on issues that matter to you.
  • Help make sure our community stays a great place to live.
  • Get to vote for the committee and on key issues.

What does it cost?

Membership is free. To join, go to our ‘Join us’ page and fill in the Membership Form.

We encourage you to join to further our work. As a member, you can be as active or inactive as you choose.

Who can join?

Anyone who lives in, or owns a property, in Whenuapai can be a full member of the Association.

What happens to the money?

The main revenue stream, apart from specific grants for projects and events, is from the rental of the hall.

We use it to:

  • Primarily ensure we can manage and maintain the Whenuapai Village Hall so that our community can use and enjoy it.
  • Support local community groups and events which bring the people of our community together to have fun and connect with their neighbours.

Monthly R & R Meetings

Monthly committee meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm at the Whenuapai Village Hall.

Meeting Information and Procedures – Open Forum and Visitors guide

Whenuapai R&R committee meetings are in general not open to the public or members, but at all monthly committee meetings a time will be set aside early in the meeting for an ‘Open Forum’ when any interested parties may present issues to the committee and representatives may provide information or updates on issues of interest to the Committee and/or the Community.

Alternatively, you can make it a formal agenda item by contacting the secretary to request your item be put on the agenda (secretary@whenuapai.org.nz).

Notice of any intention to speak in the Open Forum is recommended, to ensure adequate time allowance is made.

The normal maximum speaking time is five minutes unless the committee approves otherwise.

Committee members may ask questions at the conclusion of any presentation.

No resolution will normally be made at the time of the presentation, but committee members may be asked by the presenter to follow up the presentation with further investigation.

Open Forum speakers and/or Visitors may not verbally criticise committee members or question or debate with elected members